We Can Do The Great Thing For God, when We Do A Little Things For Others

When We Love God, We Will Serve People

Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Influential’sParenting Style to Adolescent’s Self Concepts: Self Esteem (Study at one of Senior High School in Depok 2009) Part....II

1.        Parenting Style

Data and research analysis related parenting style that is applied to adolescents at one high school in Depok N can be seen in diagram 1.1.

Diagram 1.1
Distribution of Respondent by Parenting Style in one of Senior High Scholl
In Depok 2009 (n = 95)


The table above shows that authoritative (Democratic) (41.1%) is the most parenting style’s which applied to a teenager and at the least  is permissive parenting (28.4%).

2.      Self-Concept: Self-Esteem
Results of data analysis, the self-concept: self-esteem in adolescents can be viewed on the diagram1.2 below.

Diagram 1.2
Distribution percentage of Self-Concept: Self-Esteem in one of Senior High School in Depok 2009 (n=95)
High self esteem
Low self esteem
Distribution of self-concept: self-esteem respondents (adolescents) between self-concept: low self-esteem and self-concept: high self-esteem has no significant difference in the numbers. The chart above shows 47.4% have a concept of self: high self-esteem and the rest with the concept of self: self-esteem is low (52.6%).

3.     Relation Parenting Style and Self-Concept: Self-Esteem

Identification relationship parenting style with the self-concept - self-esteem adolescent results p is 0004. This result is less than α ± (0.1) which means that Ho is rejected, in other words, there is relationship parenting style with the formation of self-esteem: self-esteem in adolescence. Relations between the two variables can see in table 1.2

Table 1.2
Respondent’s Distribution at Chi Square Analysis
Relationship Parenting Style with Self-Concept: Self-Esteem in Adolescences
In one of Senior High School in Depok 2009 (n = 95)
Parenting Style
Self-Concept: Self-Esteem in Adolescences
p Value

High Self-Esteem
Low Self-Esteem


In the table above can be explained that each type of parenting stylegives a different effect on the self-concept: self-esteem in adolescence. Authoritarian parenting pattern contributes to the formation of self-concept: high-esteem lower than self-concept: low self-esteem. Similarly way, permissive parents, to teach a form of self-concept type: high self-esteem is less than the concept itself: low self-esteem, even when compared with the other two types of parenting, permissive parenting style formed by the percentage of self-concept, high self-esteemat the least. Unlike the above two parenting styles, authoritative/ democratic formed self-concept: high self-esteem in adolescents (66.7%) greater when compared with self-concept: low self-esteem (33.3%).


The results of this study found that parents who adopted an authoritarian education (30.5%) potentially forming self-concepts: low self-esteem adolescent (58.6%). The result of this study is in accordance with the opinion of some experts and previous study. As explained in the literature that the authoritarian parenting has a punishment’s character and urged the adolescent to follow the instructions. Parents tend to set an absolute standard to follow, and it is often accompanied by threats. Petranto (2006) describes that this parenting style will teach childto become shy, quiet, private, no initiative, as the violation of standards, weak personality, anxiety and social isolation (low self-esteem).

Almost the same as authoritarianism, permissive also gave rise to the possibility forming low self- esteem. This study shows through the application of permissive parenting (28.4%) achieved a percentage of the self- concept: low self-esteem is 74.1% while the self-concept: a high self-esteem is only 25.9%. Thus, it can be argued that permissive parenting has an almost three times larger opportunity forming self- concepts: low self-esteem compared self-concept: high self-esteem (OR (CI 95%):3.62).It can be seen more details in the table below.

Respondent’s Distribution in Analysis Chi Square
Relationship Permissive parenting with Self-Concept: Self-Esteem in Adolescents in One of Senior High Scholl in Depok 2009 (n=95)
Parenting Style
Self-Concept: Self Esteem in Adolescents

High Self-Esteem
Low Self-Esteem
OR (CI 95 %)
p Value
3.62 (1.35-969)

Table 3 shows the odds ratio (OR) permissive parenting is 3.62. This value means parents who are permissive parenting is 3.62 times to form adolescent’s self-concepts: low self-esteem. This result is also according to the theory that permissive parents will produce children who lack confidence. This is because that parenting style can spoil their children, and there are no rules and restrictions that clearly even Petranto (2006) parents with permissive parenting generally not reprimand or prevent child if the child is in danger, and very little guidance was provided. As a result of the limited experience and spiritual life is still immature, the children, including adolescents, it would be difficult to make decisions about which conduct in accordance with the expectations of society, they don't know what is allowed and what not to do.As a result of which tend to be fearful, anxious, and have the concept itself: low self-esteem.
Table 1.4
Distribution of Relationship between Authoritative/Democratic Parenting Style with Self-Concept: Self-Esteem in Adolescents in One of Senior High Scholl in Depok 2009 (n=95)
Parenting Style
Self-Concept: Self Esteem in Adolescents

High Self-Esteem
Low Self-Esteem
OR (CI 95 %)
p Value
0.26 (0.11-0.61)

This result can be supported by a statement explaining that by encouraging adolescents to always seek, receive benefits and drawbacks, and giving praise and prizes at the right behavior and warn if any would bring adolescents to have self-confidence. These things can be seen fully from democratic parenting characteristics that prioritize the interests of the children but do not hesitate to control them. Parents with this patenting style are quite reasonable, always underlies his actions or thoughts on the ratio. Parents of this type are also realistic about the ability of the children, do not expect too much beyond the capacity of children. Parents of this type also givefreedom to the children to choose and take action, and his approach to the child warmly.
These three outcomes related to research on the relationship of the parenting style of self-concept: self-esteem adolescents also supported by several studies. Research Papalia and Olds, (1993) in Petranto (2006) found that warm parenting, responsive and have realistic expectations that will improve the self-esteem of the children (democratic model of parenting), while parents that perfectionist, likes criticize, is too much or too much control protect, pamper, ignore, and do not provide any restrictions or rules that are clear and consistent self-esteem will decrease the top-level child (authoritarian and permissive parents).
Research Isabel MartínezGarcía Jose and Fernando (2008) in Brazil are carried out in 1198 teenagers also produce the same thing; teenagers growing up in families that have adopted democratic parenting pattern forming self-concepts: self-esteem is higher than adolescents who grew up in authoritarian and permissive families. This study also mentions that there are several studies conducted in various countries, as in Scandinavia, Spayol and Brazil to investigate the same and results also support these results, among others: Chao, 1994, 2001, Darling & Steinberg, 1993; Dornbusch, Ritter, Leiderman, Roberts, and Fraleigh, 1987; Dwairy et al., 2006; Kirn and Rhoner, 2002; Marchetti, 1997; Musitu and Garcia, 2004; Quoss& Zhao, 1995; Steinberg et to the. 1991 and Villalobos et to the. Al, 2004.
Results of parental style compared to the self-concept: self-esteem in adolescents we know that the total percentage of parents style most frequently applied in the family is a democratic, but the self-concept: self-esteem of adolescents are the most commonly identified with low self-esteem. If reviewed, the most parenting style which applied is democratic, but the self-concept: self-esteem of adolescents is the most commonly identified with low self-esteem. It must be self-concept: self-esteem is the concept of teenagers who identified with high self-esteem. This suggests that the contradictions that affect the formation of self-concept: self-esteem in adolescents not only parenting style, but also there were other factors that also contribute to the formation of self-concept: self-esteem adolescents.
Interpretation of the analysis into three parenting styles above shows those authoritarian and permissive parents who are not favorable for the formation of self-concept: self-esteem adolescents, the application of two different kinds of ways to teach it in the family needs to be revisited. The most effective way to teach to form the concept of self: high self-esteem in teenagers is a democratic education.

This study found that respondents 14-18 years age range and the most obese 17 years old, the majority respondents is female, number of children in the family the most is the third person, the status of children in the family is biological child and parental status areno single parents, the majority religion is Islam and the many tribes that most of the Javanese. While parenting parents the most widely used is the nurturing of democratic, but the self-concept of self is formed largely from low self-esteem. This shows that there are still other factors that influence the formation of self-concept: self-esteem adolescents.
From that analysis there is a correlation between the natures of the relationship of parenting style to self-concepts: self-esteem in adolescents. Either parenting style have different effects on the self-concept: self-esteem. The most effective ways to teach an adolesent self-concepts: positive self-esteem is a democratic but authoritarian and permissive parenting an adverse effect on the very notion: self-esteem.

1.      In this study the relationship moderator variables (Demographic data) to dependent variables (self-concept: self-esteem) was not explored in depth. Therefore there is a good idea to search every demographic data associated with the concept of self: self-esteem adolescents. It aims to identify demographic data related to the most dominant or relationship with the concept of self: self-esteem adolescents, so that it can generalize identify the factors that influence adolescent self-esteem from the experience; upbringing, environment and socio-economic.
2.      In theory, we know that many factors that influence the self-concept: self-esteem. But not many people use to examine empirically the relationship experience, environment, the social economy to the concept of itself: self-esteem in adolescents, because it requires more research.
3.      Through health education can be delivered to the public that the implementation of authoritarian and permissive parenting as the most dominant, it should be considered, because it gives a bad effect on the formation of self-concept: self-esteem adolescents.


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